PractiMan Standard Manikin - Switchable from Adult to Child, two manikins in one

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Practiman Manikin for CPR Training - Affordable and Versatile


The Practiman manikin offers flexibility for CPR training, catering to both adult and child scenarios with a simple adjustment. It's designed to be cost-effective and space-saving, ideal for various training environments.

Key Features

  • Adjustable Design: Easily switch between adult and child settings using a switch on the back.
  • Compact and Lightweight: Weighs only 2.2 kg, making it easy to handle and transport.
  • Hygienic: Simple to clean and maintain, ensuring optimal hygiene standards.
  • Enhanced Infection Control: Exhaled air vents prevent air blowback, improving infection control between students.
  • Complete Kit: Includes five lungs and spare valves for extended use.

Additional Accessories

Enhance your training experience with optional accessories:

  • Carry Bag Option: Available with or without a carry bag/mat, or as a pack of 4 manikins in one bag for convenience.
  • Replaceable Faces: Consider purchasing an extra pack of 10 faces for improved hygiene; each student can have their own face, cleaned with Milton or similar disinfectants.

Whether you're conducting CPR training in schools, healthcare facilities, or community settings, the Practiman manikin offers practicality and affordability without compromising on quality.