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50 videos, 2 hours and 51 minutes

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Blended Paediatric Course

Video 28 of 50
1 min 56 sec
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The Rise and Success of Blended Paediatric Courses

The Shift towards Blended Learning

Since the inception of blended training in 2008, the appeal of blended paediatric courses has grown exponentially. Initially, only around 10% of courses were delivered in this format. Fast forward to now, a staggering 85%-90% of courses have embraced the blended approach.

Why the Surge in Popularity?

Institutions such as child minders and nurseries, as well as individuals, favour the blended method for several reasons:

  • Reduction in physical course duration, eliminating the need for a full two-day commitment.
  • Combining online video e-learning for theoretical understanding with in-person sessions for practical application.
  • Offering an interactive, practical-based, and engaging learning experience.

Meeting Customer Preferences

The key to a successful training business lies in aligning with customer needs. Although some educators may have personal teaching preferences, it's evident that the market leans heavily towards blended paediatric courses. The two-day traditional course is losing its charm, with many opting for the efficient blended format.

Ensuring Effective Blended Training Delivery

For an impactful blended course, educators must:

  • Ensure that e-learning is completed before the in-person session. This ensures a smooth transition from theory to practice.
  • Set a time frame for completing the online and practical components. Long gaps, like 8 months, between the two can hinder learning continuity.
  • Use the Blended Part Two PowerPoint tailored for paediatric courses during the in-person session.

End-of-Course Testing: A Must-Do

Although students undertake an online test, it's imperative they also complete the end-of-course test during the practical session. This can be facilitated through your dashboard, with most educators favouring the QR code method. Students can easily scan the code with their mobile devices, complete the course evaluation, and take the final exam. Remember, this step is non-negotiable for a comprehensive assessment.