ProTrainings Centre

50 videos, 2 hours and 51 minutes

Course Content

The benefits of video online training

Video 29 of 50
2 min 40 sec
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ProTrainings: Pioneering Video-Based E-Learning

Why Video Over PowerPoint?

Traditional PowerPoint e-learning often lacks engagement. Typically, it's a cycle of reading the text and incessantly clicking to the next slide, with little assurance of comprehension. At ProTrainings, we envisioned an interactive and intuitive approach using video e-learning.

The Benefits of Video E-Learning

  • Engagement: With video, learners interact directly with the instructor, fostering a more personal and engaging experience.
  • Flexibility: Start and stop courses at your convenience. Access them from any device, be it your PC, mobile phone, or tablet.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Beyond mere text, videos offer real-life scenarios, ensuring a deeper understanding of the subject.
  • Revisit and Revise: Replay videos as many times as needed until the concept is clear.

Structured Learning Process

Our courses are meticulously structured: watch a series of videos and then answer knowledge review questions. This ensures that learners have grasped the content before progressing. And for additional support, there's accompanying text beneath every video.

Overcoming Sound Barriers

Concerned about lacking sound on your device? Fear not. With graphic-rich content, subtitles, and textual explanations under each video, sound isn't always essential. However, for an immersive experience, we recommend using sound when possible.

Innovation at its Best: VR and 360 Videos

We're continuously pushing the boundaries of e-learning. Our latest additions include virtual reality (VR) 360 videos. Imagine assessing risks in a workshop or experiencing first aid scenarios from the perspective of the first aider. With VR, step into the scene and interact like never before.


ProTrainings is redefining e-learning, ensuring that each course isn't just about completion, but comprehension. Dive into a world where learning is interactive, engaging, and innovative.